Get Amazon Prime now at 50% Off. Amazon offering its Prime Subscription at Just 50% of its Annual / Quarterly Pricing. And enjoy all the services of Prime Membership like Prime Video, Music, Fast Delivery, Deal and early access, and much more.
Amazon is calling the offer “Amazon Prime Youth Offer”. If your age is between 18-24 Year’s you can get an Amazon Prime Subscription now at Just Half of its Price under this Youth offer.
With this Offer, The Amazon Prime Subscription becomes Rs. 164 for Quarterly and Rs. 499 for Yearly after getting a Cashback of Rs. 165 and Rs. 500 respectively. Amazon Prime membership is currently Costs Rs. 329 for Quarterly and Rs. 999 yearly.
To verify your account there are four verification methods:
- Aadhar Card
- Driving License
- Voter ID
You need to pay the total Subscription amount while purchasing the Prime Membership. Then Within 48 hrs, you will receive your Cashback in your Amazon Pay wallet. Go now and Buy Amazon Prime Membership using ‘Amazon Prime Youth offer’
Note: The Offer is valid only on Amazon Mobile App and can be availed using mobile-only.
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